The egg of Aeshnidae

A final renewal day is September 24, 2003.

  It is the egg of fourteen species of Aeshnidae recorded in Kinki area. A female and a male of Anax parthenope julius usually lay eggs in tandem. However, only an even female lays eggs. Anax guttatus sometimes lays eggs in tandem. However, a female of other Aeshnidae lays eggs alone.  The female of Aeshnidae lays eggs in the plant organization(endo-phytic oviposition) or the inside of the mud(sitting-oviposition into muds or mosses). All the eggs are comparatively big, and it has a long and narrow form.

How to obtaining eggs : As for most of Aeshnidae, it lays eggs even in the filter paper which became wet, and the tree which rotted away.  The filter paper which it wet in the container of the moderate size is laid. A collected female is put in that container. A female lays many eggs when it is put on the quiet place for a while.  Aeschnophlebia longistigma doesn't lay eggs in this method. The plant which laid eggs is collected in such a case.


1.  Oligoaeschna pryeri (Martin) 

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.39mm, a short diameter 0.30mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.50mm, a short diameter; 0.39mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 71days. Average duration; 99days. It is a little egg as an egg of Aeshnidae. It lays eggs in the fallen leaves of the swamp , mud and the tree which rotted away. Photo : After laying, the 81st day  


2. Boyeria maclachlani (Selys) 

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.76mm, a short diameter 0.37mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.86mm, a short diameter; 0.47mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 213days. Average duration; 218days. Photo : After laying, the 212th day


3. Planaeschna milnei

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.57mm, a short diameter 0.40mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.66mm, a short diameter; 0.46mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration;194days. Average duration; 201days. It lays eggs in the soft driftwood in the little mountain stream and so on which became wet. Photo : After laying, the 180th day   


4.  Aeschnophlebia longistigma Selys 

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.46mm, a short diameter 0.33mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.74mm, a short diameter; 0.44mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 15days. Average duration; 17days.    It lays eggs in the stem such as reed, wild rice and reed-mace. Photo : After laying, the 16th day  


5. Aeschnophlebia anisoptera Selys 

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.56mm, a short diameter 0.37mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.72mm, a short diameter; 0.47mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 14days. Average duration; 15days. It lays eggs in the fallen leaves of the swamp and mud and the moist tree which rotted away.  Photo : After laying, the 13th day  


6. Gynacantha japonica Bartenef 

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.86mm, a short diameter 0.47mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.92mm, a short diameter; 0.64mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 136days. Average duration; 180days. Even the inside of Aeshnidae is the egg of the maximum class. It lays eggs in the height soil around the rice field and so on.  Photo : After laying, the 141st day   


7. Polycanthagyna melanictera (Selys)

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.69mm, a short diameter 0.33mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.87mm, a short diameter; 0.49mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 12days. Average duration; 14days. It lays eggs in the soil that the surroundings of the dim little pond are wet, and mosses, the tree which rotted away, and so on.   Photo : After laying, the 13th day  



8.  Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus)

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.73mm, a short diameter 0.37mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.82mm, a short diameter; 0.45mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 183days. Average duration; 207days. It lays eggs in the plant around the surface of the water to grow in the pool of the little pond and the swamp.  Photo : After laying, the 179th day  


9.  Aeshna nigroflava Martin

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.81mm, a short diameter 0.36mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 2.05mm, a short diameter; 0.47mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 188days. Average duration; 207days.  It lays eggs in the tree around the surface of the water which rotted away, or the water plant in the surface of the water.  Photo : After laying, the 189th day  

10. Aeshna mixta soneharai Asahina

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.74mm, a short diameter 0.39mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.89mm, a short diameter; 0.47mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 165days. Average duration; 205days. Photo : After laying, the 180th day


11. Anaciaeschna martini (Selys)

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.58mm, a short diameter 0.29mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.73mm, a short diameter; 0.39mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 14days. Average duration; 15days. It lays eggs in the stem of just the bottom as to the surface of the water of the plant growing in the swamp.  Photo : After laying, the 14th day  


12.  Anax parthenope julius Brauer

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.63mm, a short diameter 0.31mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.83mm, a short diameter; 0.41mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 9days. Average duration; 11days. It lays eggs in the various things. For example, it lays eggs in the water plant, a board and a piece of paper, and so on.  Photo : After laying, the 9th day  


13.  Anax guttatus (Burmeister)

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.62mm, a short diameter 0.31mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.77mm, a short diameter; 0.41mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 11days. Average duration; 12days. When I observed it in 1998, it laid eggs in the stem of bladder-wort and other plants. Photo : After laying, the 11th day


14.  Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma

Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 1.88mm, a short diameter 0.36mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 2.12mm, a short diameter; 0.46mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 10days. Average duration; 10days. It lays eggs in the stem of the water plant. It is a bigger egg than Anax parthenope julius. Photo : After laying, the 10st day