The egg of Coenagrionidae
A final renewal day is September 24, 2003.
When the katatrepsis, the egg of Coenagrionidae is growing big. Hatching can be known because an anterior (the one that it is sharp) begins to grow just before hatching before the egg and the part of the transparency is made. That length to grow is the length of about 1/3 from 1/4 of the egg. The days that it is needed by hatching are almost twelve days from six days though they change by temperature (water temperature). Coenagrionidae which inhabit Kinki area are eleven kinds. All the data on this page were measured again after 2000 years.
How to obtaining eggs : The female which lays eggs is collected. Then, this female is put in the container which put the filter paper or a tissue paper which became wet. As for the female, it lays many eggs in the moist filter paper. But, a plant is collected when an egg in the plant is observed and when an egg-parasitoid is observed.
1. Mortonagrion selenion (Ris)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.85mm, a short diameter 0.17mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.00mm, a short diameter; 0.22mm. Duration of egg :The shortest duration; 11days. Average duration; 12days.
Figure1-1: After laying, the 11th day
2. Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.77mm, a short diameter 0.15mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.89mm, a short diameter; 0.19mm. Duration of egg :The shortest duration; 8days. Average duration; 10days.
Figure1-2: After laying, the 8th day
3. Aciagrion migratum (Selys)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.87mm, a short diameter 0.17mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.96mm, a short diameter; 0.22mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 9days. Average duration; 10days.(Wintering type) The shortest duration; 6days. Average duration; 6days.(Summer type)
The size of the egg is the almost same size in both the wintering type and the summer type.
Figure1-3: The left : after laying, the 10th day (Wintering type) The right : after laying, the five day (Summer type)
4. Ceriagrion melanurum Selys
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.95mm, a short diameter 0.20mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.07mm, a short diameter; 0.25mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 8days. Average duration; 9days.
Figure1-4: After laying, the 8th day
5. Ceriagrion nipponicum Asahina
Size: Right after laying; head diameter;0.83mm, a short diameter 0.19mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.93mm, a short diameter; 0.24mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 8days. Average duration; 9days.
Figure1-5: After laying, the 8th day
6. Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.82mm, a short diameter 0.16mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.91mm, a short diameter; 0.20mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 9days. Average duration; 10days.
Figure1-6: After laying, the 10th day
7. Ischnura asiatica Brauer
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.84mm, a short diameter 0.17mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.92mm, a short diameter; 0.22mm. Duration of egg :The shortest duration; 6days. Average duration; 6days.
Figure1-7: After laying, the 5th day
8. Cercion calamorum calamorum (Ris)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.89mm, a short diameter 0.15mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.00mm, a short diameter; 0.20mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 8days. Average duration; 8days.
Figure1-8: After laying, the 9th day
9. Cercion sexlineatum (Selys)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.77mm, a short diameter 0.15mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.89mm, a short diameter; 0.19mm. Duration of egg : The shortest duration; 10days. Average duration; 11days.
Figure1-9: After laying, the 10th day
10. Cercion sieboldii (Selys)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.87mm, a short diameter 0.16mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 1.07mm, a short diameter; 0.21mm. Duration of egg :The shortest duration; 6days. Average duration; 6days.
Figure1-10: After laying, the 7th day
11. Cercion hieroglyphicum (Brauer)
Size: Right after laying; head diameter; 0.88mm, a short diameter 0.17mm. Just before hatching; head diameter 0.95mm, a short diameter; 0.22mm. Duration of egg :The shortest duration; 7days. Average duration; 8days.
Figure1-11: After laying, the 7th day