Egg-parasitoids wasp of Anax parthenope julius

The final renewal day of this page is September 8, 2003.

Anax parthenope julius laid eggs in 2003/8/27 in the pond of the park of about home. I checked the stem of plant that it lays eggs. An egg-parasitoids wasp parasitized an old egg of Anax parthenope julius. An egg-parasitoids wasp parasitized one of the old egg. The larva came out from the egg on August 30. This larva became a pupa on September 2. It emerged on September 6.

‚eigure6-1: 1. Oviposition of Anax parthenope julius@@Anax parthenope julius is Aeshnidae.@2. Inhabiting environment  Anax parthenope julius is a common species in Kinki area. It can be seen in the pond of the park.

‚eigure6-2: 1.The egg of Anax parthenope julius after the larva of the egg-parasitoids wasp went   2.The larva of the egg-parasitoids wasp which came out @ Size is about 1.4mm. It takes pictures in August 31, 2003.


‚eigure6-3: The larva and pupa of the egg-parasitoids wasp which parasitized the egg of Anax parthenope julius. The size of the pupa is about 1.35mm.


‚eigure6-4: The female of the egg-parasitoids wasp which parasitizes Anax parthenope ‚Šulius   This egg-parasitoids wasp often looks like the egg-parasitoids wasp which parasitizes Lestes sponsa.
